Thursday, January 12, 2012

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

For Paul:

Kevin James. Mustache. Nuff said.

James mesmerizes with his classic physical antics and situation humor. Paul Blart is a hypoglycemic mall cop who rides a Segway. Blart wants nothing more than to become a police officer and find a lady, but can't seem to get it all together. Most of the movie is Blart goofing up and becoming the lovable loser. However, when the mall he patrols is taken over by a group of thieves, Blart has to become the hero to save his daughter and his love interest. You'll have to watch the flick to see how it plays out though.

My favorite part has to be when they show the video of Blart riding his Segway that his mother is adding to his online dating profile. Hilarious.